
Monday, September 20, 2010

Oh Boston! What Has Happened?

How lucky we are here in Central, MA to have some of the greatest hospitals and doctors in the world just a short train ride away. How exciting and nostalgic to buy my ticket with my 7 year old along side of me for a relaxing ride to the historic city of Boston, MA. Though once I get there I often wonder why I just didn't stay home.
Sure the harbor is pretty and the building are grand, but the people, oh the people. My lanky little son, only 7 begs "Excuse me" as he makes his way past towering adults shoving and pushing him out of the way with nasty looks on their faces as if our very existence is an insult to theirs.

Maybe it was my son's politeness or his tiny stature that insulted their normal day of rudeness and entitlement. Isn't it New Yorkers that are supposed to be rude? I have to admit the most recent times I have spent in New York I have found the people to be quite respectful and kind. Without the arrogance that Bostonians seem to have dripping from their chins.

Boston, MA is now up to 15 experiences in this year alone that have been rude, cruel and abusive. It took all my energy not to treat the people I had the misfortune of having contact, with the same arrogance and harsh selfishness that my son and I were treated with. But I refuse to become crude and ill mannered as the twenty and thirty something former alterna-teens that I ran into. Wear your IPods, your black glasses and your ALDO shoes purchased from your retail meeting grounds, but be sure that your money certainly hasn't been able to purchase you any sort of decency.

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