
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Interesting Comparison

When Americans watch movies like Inglorious Bastards or any other WWII drama, it is safe to say it is true they believe they mostly identify with the hero in the story. With the current media enforced opinion that seems rampid throughout the internet I have to say that isnt true. One of the most disturbing is the belief that the mistreatment of the overweight individual is an ok thing. To poke fun, call names and even degrade an adult or child seem to be perfectly acceptable.
In fact at the Leominster, MA kidsfest I witnessed a woman looked at a child (who is overweight) and call him a "fat-ass". I still cant seem to not feel disgusted when I remember it. Imagine an adult in her thrities, looking at a 5 year old little boy and feeling confident in saying that to him, in front of a group of people. Everyone stool silent and shocked, although I said loudly, "What a piece of low rent crap she is." But I didnt get a response. The child without a doubt heard her and will never be the same.
Is this where society has evolved too? The outward mistreatment of children as young as 5 and no one saying anything. Well I for one think it is time for adults to start learning their manners and it is up to decent people to teach them.
Being overweight does not give anyone the right to attack verbally or physically in any way. That is just common decency, but I have seldom found the common practice of decently in these past few years.

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