
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Who Says its OK?

Reading through some comments made on a recent article about feeling controlled by organizations that do drug testing has left me with an interesting query. I don't believe the person who had posted the blog/article meant that he promoted drug use or substance abuse in any way. He simply stated in layman's terms that he felt the constant monitoring of peoples private lives, when there is absolutely no basis for it, is like being falsely imprisoned. Although, I may be over complicating it a bit, but it got me thinking.

I don't believe in drug testing in the workplace in order to become employed by that establishment. For many reasons I assure you, but one in particular, it is arrogant and classist. If the employer expects the employee to submit to a test that will determine his employment based solely on that test, it is as if that employer is saying, "Well we don't trust people at your pay grade because the majority of you are drug users and your not mature enough to stay off drugs." Maybe that is a little to harsh or clear, whichever works.

It is as if rights that were once slowly slipping away have taken a quite a quick tailspin. The worst part is that a great deal of Americans believe that this sort of elite type of monitoring is just fine and if you oppose it you are a drug addict. So closed minded, so controlled by the media and their own fear, so so, dare I say Nazi?

Have you ever sat there and watched a WWII documentary and wondered how nearly and entire nation was in support of the torture and murder of other human being? Well if you have wondered that take a look at your own life and ask yourself what you have just accepted out of exhaustion. How many times you have agreed with an opinion you knew was wrong, just because it served your purpose. As yourself, how we got to where we are now in this country. A rather sad place I think. The sort of place that makes Ancient Rome seem like a fair and just society.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What's The Point? The Writers Dont Even Know.

I wasn't quite sure what to write about today, but as fate would have it an idea jumped right into my lap. While calling the newly name changed Fitchburg State University for some very basic and uncomplicated information, the response was amusing and yet somehow sad.

My goal was to propose a story idea concerning an event taking place in Fitchburg for my former paper The Point, and to inquire about some basic business advertising within it. Seems simple, but the students whom were answering the phones became horribly confused with the question; "Could you tell me who I would speak to about The Point student paper?"

First response; "Um, huh, ahhhhhh, we don't have a student paper." pause pause pause, "Oh but we have an online new site called The Point."

My eyes rolling I said, "OK, well could you give me the contact information for the people who deal with the line version of The Point?"

This reply was in fact my favorite. "Um, like, I'm not sure, oh wait..." Unnamed girl on the phone yells to other unnamed girl in the room giggling away...,"Hey (girl's name), you work on The Point right?"

Girl answers, "Um yea, the online news thing right?"

Girl on the phone says, "Yea. Do you know the contact info or url to get to it?"

Girls answers, "No, I'm like, well they like changed it. But um I don't know. She can do a search for The Point online maybe?"

Girl on the phone says to me, "Maybe contacting the head of the English department would help?"

I was pretty sure I wasn't getting any help from anyone who was on the phone or within earshot of the person I was talking to, so I asked for the contact info for the professor, which luckily I was able to get without too much trouble. What I really couldn't grasp was how a contributor to a publication whether print or online, wouldn't have any idea how to access the publication to which they contribute to. Is this the future of journalism? Not that much journalism these days is worth reading unless you want to help support the government paid media and their whore like practices with their words as opposed to their bodies.

I did manage to find the link to the online version of The Point by going to Fitchburg State University's (still cant get used to that) site and doing some clicking around until I found the link. I learned these sort of research skills from some wonderful professors that worked for Fitchburg State College, back when it was a school for learning and not promoting agendas and producing people who hardly know the name of the publications that they contribute to.

The online publication is mundane and tolerable at best. It lacks the voice of the students and the passion of writers. I would challenge that any high school news paper in the Central, MA region could trump The Point in content and skill, and as previously mentioned, awareness. However, those who contribute and work for The Point shouldn't worry too much (and I would assume they don't from their robotic writing) because the Fitchburg Sentinel and Enterprise is always looking for new and uninspired staff members to continue to write agenda based dribble.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Oh Boston! What Has Happened?

How lucky we are here in Central, MA to have some of the greatest hospitals and doctors in the world just a short train ride away. How exciting and nostalgic to buy my ticket with my 7 year old along side of me for a relaxing ride to the historic city of Boston, MA. Though once I get there I often wonder why I just didn't stay home.
Sure the harbor is pretty and the building are grand, but the people, oh the people. My lanky little son, only 7 begs "Excuse me" as he makes his way past towering adults shoving and pushing him out of the way with nasty looks on their faces as if our very existence is an insult to theirs.

Maybe it was my son's politeness or his tiny stature that insulted their normal day of rudeness and entitlement. Isn't it New Yorkers that are supposed to be rude? I have to admit the most recent times I have spent in New York I have found the people to be quite respectful and kind. Without the arrogance that Bostonians seem to have dripping from their chins.

Boston, MA is now up to 15 experiences in this year alone that have been rude, cruel and abusive. It took all my energy not to treat the people I had the misfortune of having contact, with the same arrogance and harsh selfishness that my son and I were treated with. But I refuse to become crude and ill mannered as the twenty and thirty something former alterna-teens that I ran into. Wear your IPods, your black glasses and your ALDO shoes purchased from your retail meeting grounds, but be sure that your money certainly hasn't been able to purchase you any sort of decency.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Workers Have Missed the Boat

Bail outs again? What for this time? I have heard the lies stating that these large amounts of money were necessary to keep people employeed, yet after recieve these large sums of money, corporate offices for the majority of these organizations closed down stores all over the country and in some of the most employment deprived areas. How is this legal after taking the money? Well, the didnt actually fire anyone, they closed down stores so the people who make all of the money get to keep all of the money and the working man whose taxes were bestowed upon these disgustingly rich people, were able to keep their second and third mansion homes, while the working man is out of a job and most likely headed for forclosure.

Americans didnt vote this in, but the government did it anyway. American workers didnt benefit at all from the bail outs, yet they still paid for them. Americans in fact bent over and took it again as the US government put millions of people in peril to make sure a select few continue live abundantly lavish lifestyles.

Also, Clinton was impeached for what again? Was it a situation that stemmed from his personal life? He lied? Was that the problem? I guess he just didnt play the game the right way because the adminstration that followed him not only lied, but the cheated, stole and destroyed. But hell they made their friends rich so I guess that will suffice. Is it really survival of the fittest, when it is the fittest who are being bled dry on a daily basis while those who havent worked a day in their life keep taking what isnt theirs?

This is quite a frightening time in American history because the captian no longer goes down with the ship. He now cuts a hole in the bottom of the boat while all his shipmates are sleeping, takes the lifeboat that fits everyone, but keeps it only for himself and leisurely floats to shore as he listens to his men die in agony and fear as they scream for help. Shameful. I guess maybe Great Britian was right.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Are They Serious?: Interesting Comparison

Are They Serious?: Interesting Comparison: "When Americans watch movies like Inglorious Bastards or any other WWII drama, it is safe to say it is true they believe they mostly identify..."

Interesting Comparison

When Americans watch movies like Inglorious Bastards or any other WWII drama, it is safe to say it is true they believe they mostly identify with the hero in the story. With the current media enforced opinion that seems rampid throughout the internet I have to say that isnt true. One of the most disturbing is the belief that the mistreatment of the overweight individual is an ok thing. To poke fun, call names and even degrade an adult or child seem to be perfectly acceptable.
In fact at the Leominster, MA kidsfest I witnessed a woman looked at a child (who is overweight) and call him a "fat-ass". I still cant seem to not feel disgusted when I remember it. Imagine an adult in her thrities, looking at a 5 year old little boy and feeling confident in saying that to him, in front of a group of people. Everyone stool silent and shocked, although I said loudly, "What a piece of low rent crap she is." But I didnt get a response. The child without a doubt heard her and will never be the same.
Is this where society has evolved too? The outward mistreatment of children as young as 5 and no one saying anything. Well I for one think it is time for adults to start learning their manners and it is up to decent people to teach them.
Being overweight does not give anyone the right to attack verbally or physically in any way. That is just common decency, but I have seldom found the common practice of decently in these past few years.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Dont Underestimate the Power of Stupidity

This morning Dr. Oz decided he was going to ask teenage girls what they knew about sex. Their parents were listening by not visible. Aside from the horror of hearing about teenage boys having sex with children as young as 11 years old, the shock at the complete ignorance of these girls was astounding.
One girl asked if she could get pregnant from anal sex. Quite moronic and enlightening that 16 year old girls are engaging in anal sex before they even learn to enjoy vaginal sex. There are numerous studies and testomonies that prove teenagers girls do not physically enjoy sex on the same level as they would in their twenties. With the comments of these teenage girls that is more that solidified.
There was no talk of closeness and pleasure, just wanting to belong or get attention. The also stated that the negative aspect of sex was pregnancy, but had little to no opinion on STDs. One girl made a comment that she didnt know anyone with STDs and knew that she was safe. Hysterical and frightening as she could be a carrier of many different diseases and continue to pass them on "unknowingly" for years.
Many more idiotic comments continued from the forum, but the worst was when the mothers came out. These are women in their thirties, fourties and some fifties. Comments from the moms like, "It is what it is; We are best friends; How am I supposed to talk to her when Im embarrassed?" Were shameful and revealing. How can these young girls be informed when the people they are supposed to learn from are completely ignorant themselves? It makes it impossible.
It is about time to stop concentrating on all this social fluff that continues to congest our society and notice that the youth of today are sinking deeply into a cold, dark pool of stupidity and dont seem to be concerned. Ignorance wont be bliss when a teenage girl finds out she is sterile at 19 because she has had clamidia since she was 14 and never knew. There is a level of responsibility not being met by the parents here. It is important to talk to your kids, but it is just as important to make them aware of how dangerous and stupid it is to be engaging in illicit sex with random partners constantly and without protection of any kind. The media needs to over sexualize every situation in order to keep selling the products that keep their partons wealthy, so allowing children to look to television in order to learn anything is moronic (not including sesame street).
If parents were as concerned about their childrens education as they are about their clothes it could considerably reduce the plague of stupidity that is spreading in epidemic proportions. However the moms seem to be as ignorant as the teens and concentrating their focus on whatever falls into the category of "cool" for the time being. It is bad practice to be more concerned about superficial attributes then the conscience, dignity and intellectual ability of a child. If knowledge is power then the United States could be easily defeated by the weakest of villians and in record time. the only true shock is that it is the United States itself aiding in its youths demise.